The third installment of Comic Stripper is up, and it's a big'n. I figured that as long as I'm going to drag out the exposition I may as well serve up double-helpings to keep things moving.
I'm also realizing how easy it was to just draw a strip every week that consisted of two people facing each other and making sarcastic comments. I think there are more poses in the fourth frame of this week's strip than there have been in the previous forty-four IFTL strips combined. And certainly a lot more boobies. I'm also pleased with the way the portrait on the right came out, but whether or not I remain pleased will depend on whether people can tell who it's supposed to be (hint: look to the breasts).
In other news, I saw two cats making out on Sunday. And it was pretty cool.
I knew before I read your comment. Well done.
Congrats on the eight boobs I see in your strip. And I have not refused to answer your e-mail I have just been caught off guard by a whole shit load of things I have to do. I promise at the end of the day you'll get a reply.
if you look closely, there's a ninth boob to the (reader's) left of the brass bar.