A new strip is up, once again betraying my morbid fascination with strippers and kidnapping. I'm still doing my revisionist dating. I guess Thursday is the new Monday.
Much as I hate to admit it, I'm slightly more like the guy on the left than the guy on the right. I approached Spring Break with a long list of shit to do. Let's take a look at the standings.
Shit done:
Finished Entertainment Law outline to date
Outlined first two weeks of Legal Ethics
Finished reading the book I'm writing my Legal Ethics Paper on
Bought some stuff to make campaign T-shirts
Shit to do:
Get Legal Ethics outline up to date
Start Evidence outline and get it up to date
Actually make campaign T-shirts and campaign flyers
Finish San Bernardino County Bar Association Scholarship Application
There's actually a lot more on both lists but I imagine they're boring enough as is. Besides, no matter how much crap I have to keep me busy during this break, I have the comfort of knowing I'll never have to go through this again.
Seacrest out.
Yes, Spring Break with you this year is MUCH better than last!