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As I was leaving my apartment this morning I realized that, because it was raining out, I was going to have to wear my raincoat to work instead of my usual London Fog number. As I opened the closet I announced, "I hate wearing my raincoat."

About an hour later, as I was walking from the BART station to my office, I got crapped on by a bird. The crap landed on my sleeve, and was quickly washed away by the rain, leaving no trace. The crap would not have vanished so quickly if I had not been wearing my raincoat.

Clearly, I owe my raincoat an apology. I'm sorry, raincoat.

I still hate the song "Raincoat" by They Might Be Giants, however.

1 Comment

Wait, Raincoat? The Spine? What crazy newfangled album is this?

Ordinarily, discovering that I've never heard of the last five albums put out by a given band would prompt me to say that I'm clearly not cool enough to be keeping up with the new music. But when the band is TMBG, the logical contradictions inherent in saying that are too much for me to handle.

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This page contains a single entry by hb published on February 22, 2007 9:58 AM.

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