My five years of blogging hasn't exactly transformed my life into the endless parade of designer narcotics and high-priced prostitutes that I thought it would, but it has, at the very least, afforded me more than zero opportunities to attend/participate in real-life events in my capacity as a blogger. The first was the uproarious Cementhorizon Birthday Party, where I wore an extremely offensive T-shirt and provided flowing molten chocolate. The second was a more subdued event organized by Santa Clara University's High Tech Law Institute, where I provided very little and left early before being delayed on BART as the result of a soccer riot.
And now, I proudly bring to you news of, and invite you to, event number three: The Alameda Literati book fair and writers' conference, set for November 3rd at the O Club in Alameda (click the link for details). I'll be participating in a panel titled "The Blab on Blogging: How to get started, and where to go next." There will also be all kinds of other cool shit spread throughout the day, so I encourage you to come. The timing also jives nicely with National Novel Writing Month, something that I would love to participate in if I hadn't just started work at a BigLaw firm.
Ooooh! Let's be NaNoWriMo buddies!! I've signed up too but can't get any of my friends to commit. It'll be fun. I'm tackling the theme of disavowal in post-apartheid South Africa. I thought I'd start with something light...